full stack observabillity
it environment
it infrastructure
24 maja 2024
Time 3 minut czytania

What is Full-Stack Observability and why does it matter?

Full-Stack Observability is a concept of real-time observation of every component in an IT environment. To put it simply, this means a general look at applications, services, infrastructure, local servers, and other cloud-hosted matters.

Full-Stack Observability tools use telemetric data from the organization’s IT environment to get an insight into performance, condition, and way of working for each component. Furthermore, it helps organizations gain an understanding of connections and dependencies between them.

Let’s start with some research

Cisco conducted research in which they asked different IT Managers about the meaning of Full-Stack Observability. Approximately 75% of 2062 participants understand that full visibility and control of infrastructure, network, applications, and safety has a key meaning for the functioning of the enterprise. Moreover, according to Cisco’s newest research – AppDynamics – 89% of IT leaders admitted that in the last two years, their companies experienced an increased number of cyberattacks, additionally 46% of them added that it included bigger challenges and costs. It shows the importance of the Full-Stack Observability concept implementation as a meaningful part of cybersecurity strategy.

Full-Stack Observability
Why Full-Stack Observability is worth implementing?

Learn the advantages of using this solution:

Composite view of IT infrastructure. Full-Stack Observability fills blind spots and gives IT teams an opportunity to fully view every IT environment component as well as performance indicators to help gather an understanding of its functioning and actual state (including security). All this without going into other different and smaller ways of observation.

Efficient prioritizing and problem-solving. The Full-Stack Observability solution enables a view of data that allows one to determine which problems should be solved first, what needs to be rebuilt, and what is optimized to minimize waste and maximize income. The concept diagnoses problems at the very beginning with the usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning and then solves them before they become a threatening fact.

Cost and IT infrastructure optimization. Full-Stack Observability solution gives tools that allow building “what if” scenarios as well as for precise performance prognosis and allocating suitable resources in real-time. This grants minimising infrastructure costs with performance maximalisation.

Closer cooperation between the general manager and IT. IT team and general management often make decisions apart from each other. Full-Stack Observability allows everyone to „be on the same page”, and set priorities for technical and business matters and all that to get the highest company performance possible.

Modern Cybersecurity Solutions. As digitalisation develops companies are now more than ever vulnerable in terms of data security and the outcomes can be irreversible. Full-Stack Observability detects and eliminates protection gaps in minutes, not months, guarding not only the company’s reputation but also its profit.


The Full-Stack Observability is a crucial process that helps:

  • Gaining a better understanding of an IT environment.
  • Eliminate mess in IT monitoring tools.
  • Increase the safety of IT components.
  • Optimise costs and resources in IT departments.
  • Support business decision-making.

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